Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Why I love BJDs

      Generally, my dolls don't tend to have backstories--they're more like "personalities" I guess. I don't even really bother to name most of them properly. I do write stories, but when I pick sculpts it's usually because I just like the doll or it looks like something I want to play around with.

     Photography was never really my strongest point, either. Sometimes I can pull out a really good shot, but most times it's not even worth the fuss.

     Sewing I'm okay at, but I go from wanting to make things left and right to suddenly not wanting to see a needle and thread ever again. Making wigs is kind of the same. One day, I spit out five and then the next I just don't ever want to see a swatch of mohair ever again.

     I do like to do faceups and blushing/tattoos, even though it's hard to find time for them. I'm not the best (probably wouldn't even be considered that great at them) but they're still fun to experiment with and learn different techniques. I do feel kind of limited when I do faceups, though, because once I do a new one I want to wait a few weeks to see if it is really what I want. I like that, unlike modifications, they aren't so permanent. If I don't like the eyebrows, I can just wipe it and start again. Tattoos are fun because I'm the kind of person who tends more towards doodling. Even though I only do them rarely, they're really fun to let loose and just do whatever--especially if they're somewhere that would be covered in clothes. Nobody would know if my dolls had a full Irezumi under there!

     But, even though blushing and faceups are more flexible to change, modifications still stand as my favorite part of the hobby. Most people either stick with either aesthetic or repairs/posing, I don't really have a preference. I just go with whatever I feel is best for my dolls and don't think about it too much. I'd like to be the kind of person who could do either just as easily.

    Also, if I stop working on a doll, I lose all interest whatsoever. If I don't plan that many mods, I really should learn not to buy the doll. Two of them have been sold/up for sale recently because I didn't have any plans for them and didn't feel like modding them up. When I don't work on a doll, it just doesn't feel like it's actually mine to play with.

     I like it when a doll feels like it's mine.


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