Monday, September 2, 2013

A small rant.

     Why don't people use proper respiratory protection when they work on their dolls? Why do they spray their dolls inside their house with MSC or Dullcote or whatever and then complain that they don't like the sealants because it hurts their lungs? Why do these same people explain that they don't have a respirator because they're expensive? I got mine at Harbor Freight for 15 dollars! Fumes, dust, smoke...these are all things that aren't supposed to be in your lungs--these are all things that DAMAGE your lungs! Some of the chemicals in sealants (and even pastels) have been linked to lung cancer, COPD, and all sorts of other bad stuff from prolonged exposure. People die from this stuff. Cancer isn't fun. I shouldn't have to tell people this. Your life is worth more than 15 dollars. You can afford 15 dollars. Hell, you can afford to go for a 35 dollar respirator and it still won't compare to the medical bills that would be incurred later on without protection.

     Not to mention the people who might be in your house when you're spraying inside, unprotected. It's often recommended to spray outside (or in a well-ventilated area) and not to let people/animals near the area unprotected for at least 30 minutes AFTER you're done. So, not only is there potential to harm yourself from this exposure, you could also be hurting those around you. It's just not smart, and it's irresponsible. If you know the consequences and still choose to put yourself at risk, that's on you. But putting other people's health at risk, knowingly, is just... I mean, this stuff kills people. Do you really want that on your hands? Instead of paying for decent protection? Even if you don't get a mask because it's still "too expensive" for you, could you at least spray where you can't harm anyone else? And if you start to feel your lungs hurting, you should STOP right then--not continue until you're done with the faceup and about to pass out! You shouldn't keep doing this for three more months and refuse to see a doctor about it! Please, everyone, just be smart about it. Be considerate. Protect yourself, and protect those around you. No matter how much you love this hobby, it's not worth serious health issues like that. It's not worth shortening or even accidentally ending your life.

     I'm going to stop browsing the workshop threads now, because it just keeps getting worse.

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