Wednesday, September 18, 2013

People want to know your favorite doll size on Day 8

     I really like big dolls. My brother and best friend both have big dolls, which I've spent most of my hobbytime playing with the smaller sizes. I've always wanted a big doll, and I'm especially excited to get my Ringdoll Frankenstein soon. I have a feeling he won't be my last big boy, seeing as I adore a lot of the Iplehouse EID guys. It's just the perfect size for male dolls, in my opinion. I like their mature, bumpy male faces. I love Iplehouse Eric's smirk and Dexter's hypnotic gaze. Don't even get me started on the Ringdoll Grown boys--they've got a special place in my heart.

     Some of them may be a pain in the wallet to dress, but they're so big and so masculine, and yet at the same time they're dolls. When most people aside from the BJD hobby think about dolls, they think about Barbies or baby dolls. These guys are like a whole different ball game from that. From something that's so stereotypically girlish and kept to smaller sizes in the mainstream, I love that these guys can break that mold. I don't even know why I'm so obsessed with having my boys so tall other than that, but after having some hands-on time with a few of them it just feels so perfect for me.

     By the way, they're frickin' huge compared to what I'm used to. Sure, I bought an SD girl a while back, but she's been in her box most of the time and she's already sold to somebody else. Here's a picture to show you how a 70cm Dollshe sizes up next to a couple of MSDs from Bobobie/Resinsoul (I used this site to make the comparison). Would you just LOOK at that height difference?

     I'm really, really looking forward to having some big boys. I know I just got a Littlefee with the money I got from selling my DL Thea, but I'm thinking it'll be great to have a big variety of dolls to choose from. I also like the contrast between heights of dolls. My RS Li looks mature to me when she stands on her own, but next to my friend's RS Dong she looks like a large doll (relative to his height) or a strange, agleless person. It really throws things off and I find that interesting.

Anyway. It's late, and I'm starting to ramble. Goodnight, with love!

~~Sleepy Aronzo~~

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