Sunday, September 22, 2013

Spammers be skewin' my viewcounts.

     I complained about Vampirestat when I accidentally clicked "Open link in new tab" instead of  "Copy link address" and wound up flooded with "views" from their site. I've noticed more and more of these fishy sites "referring" people to my blog, but after a quick Google search, I find people complaining about just about every single one. When I post something, suddenly I have 6 "views" from, or suddenly I'm a hot topic on 7secretsearch, apparently. 

    There's even a few "views" from some blog post about pizza-tuna. Who is this Pendomanhidup person anyway, and why does his pizza-tuna recipe written in Malay relate to my dolls in any way? It doesn't. 

     Adsensewatchdog isn't associated with Google, and Zombiestat isn't an informative site about zombies and their roaming habits with lots and lots of pie charts (though if I had that domain, that's totally what I'd do with it). 

     I get it, okay? These sites try to get your attention so you'll visit. They get you to visit so they can remotely-access your computer, or install other viruses, f*** up your computer, and leave you there. But I don't care what they want anymore. I want this crap to stop. I want to be able to remove their data from my stats so I can see how many people actually view my blog, and who is actually interested in it. I care about writing for people, not spammers. If my stuff isn't worth reading, then I don't want to be led into some false idea that what I'm writing is great and that people are paying attention. I want to know if I suck so that I can work harder and get better. I'm writing this blog to occupy my time while I'm at home, to try to connect with other collectors, and to hopefully inform at least one person about something I really care about.

     It's silly, but I really am passionate about dolls. I'm passionate about working on them, and I want that to be accessible to others. I want people to be safe and smart with their decision-making. Dolls are expensive, and working on them is a risk. Sometimes people don't have access to the info on Den of Angels, or they find it hard to dig up what they're looking for. I search up resin matches for my friends, or I scout out eyes and wig shops to see if they're reputable. I want the hobby to be available to those who want to join, and who feel ready to jump in. I want newbies to be informed and I want them to feel confident in what they do. 

     I'm here hoping that at least someday, something I type will help someone in some way--even if I give up the blog and forget it ever happened. I'm not here to be popular or grow a fanbase. I just want to be someone who can answer people's questions. So, actual readers (if you exist) if you ever have any questions, I'm going to put it out right now that I will do my best to answer either personally or I'll try to muster up a big, long post about the subject that everyone can refer to. For the time being, I have lots of time on my hands. 


1 comment:

  1. That site keeps sending spammers to my site as well! I was searching him and your site popped up
