Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day 9--least favorite size

     So today's prompt is another size prompt and, well, I don't have a least favorite size. Every size I've come across has had its benefits and good qualities. If anything, I have least favorite jointing styles. I hate single-jointed, for example. Both my tinies from Bobobie and Resinsoul were single jointed, and neither of them could actually pose. I don't feel like they're worth the money, solely because of the terrible posing in those bodies. If they had double joints, the story would be completely different. Or there's my brother's Bobobie Apollo--his legs are double jointed and his arms are supposed to be double jointed, but really the ball in the arm doesn't let it bend further than 90 degrees. It would do much better with a peanut.

     But I guess those problems show up more commonly in tinies from various companies. It's probably hard to sculpt double joints in a body so small, but there are companies that can still do it. I really like Pukifee bodies--and really Fairyland bodies in general--because their level of posing is far superior to every other doll I've come in contact with. Though tinies also have issues with clothes. There are tons of clothes that many tinies can share, but they tend to get stuck in the joints, so the only time you can get them to pose, if at all, is when they're completely buck-naked!

     I love the cute faces on tinies, but I guess you could say that they're a little more fiddly. I don't like fiddly dolls so much. It'll be a while before I buy a tiny again, and if I do, it'll most likely be from Fairyland.


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